Shigo Voice Studio: The Art of Bel Canto

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Happy New Year

I sometimes wonder what New Year’s Eve for the Garcias and the Lampertis teachers was like. Did they look back and forward on days like today? Did they know their place in the grand scheme of things? Did they stay up to watch fireworks as I will in Central Park? Did they even have fireworks? Or did they go to bed early as I know some do if only to start afresh the next morning at 5 am to catch the worm?

I am teaching shortly after I post this blog for a few hours, then will be making dinner for two, then will await midnight while listening to WQXR, New York City’s classical radio station—then, yes, walk to the corner and watch the fireworks stream up into the sky over the Park.

Though I am not one for resolutions, I plan on finishing a long-awaited project and beginning several more. The older I get, the more I find myself keeping things simple.

Whatever you do or don’t do tonight, I want to wish you a Happy New Year and all good things ahead.

Look for New Things here.