Awakened Ear Workshop

Did you know your ears are not the same?

That the right ear processes high frequencies faster than the left? And whether the right ear does this or not has a huge impact on your voice?

Did you also know that a French ENT named Alfred Tomatis—who was into helping singers sing like gods—proved scientifically that the larynx cannot produce sounds which the ear cannot hear? Simply put, this means that if you aren’t processing the right way [there’s a pun there], it’s not going to come out your mouth!

There have been some famous singers have availed themselves of Tomatis’ method which changes listening ability, in order to stay on or better their game.

Callas, Pavarotti, Sting, Gigli.

I did it myself, starting in 1999; an experience which forms the basis for this workshop for singers, voice teachers, and voice professionals.

What does this workshop seek to do? What will it give you?

  • Exercises to determine how your own personal auditory system is influencing your voice and the voice of your students.

  • Transformative tools that turn on your right ear and get it ready to lead your voice—so you can achieve your goals.

  • Lamperti School exercises and teachings which enable true vocal freedom.

Please join me October 23rd at 3-5 pm EST for a fascinating exploration in the world of the ear and voice!

More information can be accessed here.

Want to sign up directly?

You can do that here.

Daniel Shigo

Daniel’s voice studio is rooted in the teachings of Francesco Lamperti and Manuel Garcia. Contact Daniel for voice lessons in New York City and online lessons in the art of bel canto.

Shigo Voice Studio

The Sound of Change


September 11th at NYCO