If I can do it

If I can do it: what’s your problem?

Yes. This comes out of my mouth—half in jest and half in challenge.

Here’s my logic.

I’ve worn hearing aids for the last decade. I also have tinnitus. I’m not shy about either. On paper at least (an audiological test), I should not be able to sing.

(There was a time when I thought students would think less of me because I have hearing loss. But you know what? No one cares and no one sees the tubes going into my ears. Students are too busy thinking about themselves when they are before me; and rightly so. They come first.)

And yet—I sing.

Bottom line? The technique I was given and researched to its roots has taught me that it works. It’s kept me singing long after my challenges should have made me stop; though, I must also credit the work of Tomatis. I was given a key exercise that I teach in the The Awakened Ear Workshop that holds everything together.

Sum total. If you use the principles of singing as taught by García and Lamperti and work your ears (yes, you can work your ears), you will retain your ability to sing as long as your body has breath—which is its own study.

So, I ask again dear student.

If I can do it: what’s your problem?

Daniel Shigo

Daniel’s voice studio is rooted in the teachings of Francesco Lamperti and Manuel Garcia. Contact Daniel for voice lessons in New York City and online lessons in the art of bel canto.

Shigo Voice Studio

sing with me in Sicily


The Garcia Lineage: Elisabeth Soderstrom