Viardot-Garcia Arrives at VOICETALK

Pauline Viardot-Garcia is my Muse. In her current incarnation at VOICETALK, she’s a warm orange-gold, ready for our Time, and very much alive even if she’s been dead since 1910. Her knowledge was transmitted through her student Anna Eugénie Schoen-René into our century. Not lost, not forgotten, or a Matter of Myth, you will find me writing about it in detail in the days ahead.

But first I will be cleaning up links on the new website, closing down the old website, and traveling to Italy to sing with Serenades Choral Travel.

What’s new at VOICETALK?

You will notice that there isn’t a membership area for the historical vocal pedagogy download page. Anyone can access it. The reason for the change is that, in creating the new site, it was not possible to import the membership list and I would have had to ask everyone on the list to sign up again. Such a bother, right? So I am leaving the door open as I did when VOICETALK: Historical Perspectives on the Art of Singing was created on Google in 2009. Mind you, since membership was free no one is losing anything.

What else is new?

Color! If you are like me, you got tired of boring Facebook blue. Does the current gold scheme go with the gilded dining table where I am writing right now? Perhaps. Let’s ask Dr. Freud!

Speaking of delving into deep things: the search feature on the Archive page works a lot better than the one on the previous site.

I want to give a special shoutout to Angela Winter at the Awakened Creator who clued me into a program that allowed me to migrate 729 blog pages into the new site. She’s one of the good ones. Please look her up!

Look for new posts after I get back from singing in Italy at the end of June.

Daniel Shigo

Daniel’s voice studio is rooted in the teachings of Francesco Lamperti and Manuel Garcia. Contact Daniel for voice lessons in New York City and online lessons in the art of bel canto.

Shigo Voice Studio

Singing with Serenades Choral Travel in Puglia


Tecla Vigna's Daily Exercises